
To give something back and help the less privileged with the skills we have.
To give our time and expertise and to involve other role players who have the finance and infrastructure to support our project. Combined with a lot of fun activities for the children.Healthy delicious snacks to be provided, ensuring that the children have a wonderful day and their first exposure to a dentist and dental treatment be exciting and memorable.

Enumerate ongoing projects and research in various universities of South Asian nations.

Documentation on ethical issues in child dental care as a basis for discussions and as a guide to prevent and resolve conflicts in various care situations.

Based on the Priority Survey of South asian, prioritization of dental care can be done.

Record of all the dental schools which provides undergraduate as well as postgraduate training.

Exchange of students /faculty programmes within the south Asian nations colleges which would provide a learning experience.

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Oral Health is a Reflection of the Physiological, Social and Psychological Factors That are Essential to Quality of Life of Our Children...